The demand for newer, superior technology has increased the pace at which current devices reach the end of their useful lives. As a result, the question of what to do with obsolete electronics has become a global issue, but disposal is not the answer. Computers, batteries and other electronics need to be properly handled by a responsible recycling company rather than being sent to a waste disposal company. There are fundamentally two issues, data security and the WEEE Directive.

Electronic Recycling
Concept was created to help corporate and business companies to adhere to new environmental legislation and rules. Concept provides IT recycling coupled with secure data and equipment destruction services for all business sectors. We believe in the 3’Rs, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse and wherever possible we promote the reuse of recycling equipment in accordance with the waste hierarchy regulations.
When reuse isn’t an option, we recycle electronics and IT conforming to Environment Agency Legislation, although we feel that environmental legislation is a difficult, often misunderstood topic that is subject to wide interpretations. There is a variance in interpretation and as a result, an opportunity arises to operate under exemptions whilst processing EEE, UEEE or WEEE.
Environment Agency
However, Concept Management insists on being Environment Agency approved ATF and AATF and can provide environmental permits and credentials, written procedures for all ICT recycling activity undertaken on site and management of electronic recycling downstream partners who may perform subsequent processes on e-waste.
Recycling electronics is a specialist skill that needs to be performed by an accredited recycling company to ensure that the electrical waste being recycled meets and exceeds EU Standards and works within the ISO: 14001 Environmental Standard. Electronic waste recycling breaks equipment and components down to their base materials ready for reuse.
Data Destruction
IT recycling companies generally are tasked with data destruction and need to be accredited to ISO: 27001 Information Management Standard. With IT equipment recycling, one needs to consider how the data will be managed, such as HDD erasure or physical destruction. Concept Management has been providing electronic, IT and old electronics recycling services for over 10 years and is one of the largest IT recycling companies in the UK.
IT recycling is a very buoyant market in the UK and it is important to choose the right partner. ISO:9001, ISO: 14001 and ISO: 27001 accredited companies should be considered, as all of our electronics recycling services are underpinned by our accreditation and we provide all relevant, compliant paperwork.
Learn more about hard drive destruction
When we recycle old electronics at our recycling centre, we ensure we can maximise profit from all aspects of end of life equipment and operate a Zero landfill Policy. If you are looking to recycle IT or electronics it is absolutely essential to consider the full implications of recycling data and ensure there is a robust data destruction process in place.
Unfortunately recycling IT equipment isn’t as simple as disposal, because delete is not enough and data carrying devices need to be overwritten using CESG approved software or physically destroyed to ensure no data breaches. As one of the UK’s largest IT recycling companies, we are perfectly positioned to help with your disposals.
Secure IT disposal is “Any situation where the data controller transfers custody of an IT asset to a third party for management or processing whether on a temporary or permanent basis.” Threats to data security are not just confined to the physical and technological, but also to asset disposal, a concern frequently overlooked when security policies are considered. Secure disposal of data is absolutely essential to prevent any data breaches and ICO fines. Secure disposal service providers that offer the disposal of equipment need to be completely vetted to ensure that they have the necessary accreditation’s, licences and permits.
IT disposal companies come in all shapes and sizes and offer a catch all service for IT equipment disposal but without proper due diligence, you could just be handing all your data to a complete stranger. IT disposals and the IT asset disposition process needs to be secure and auditable when Concept Management provide IT asset disposal. We supply all compliant paperwork including a full build asset register, collection report, waste transfer note, duty of care note and certificate of destruction.
Concept’s IT disposal services and electronics disposal service covers anything electronic, we remove everything from a full PC through to the smallest component, in fact when challenged with old IT equipment disposal, we will remove anything.
We hold the ISO 27001 accreditation and are perfectly suited to perform secure on site data destruction and deal with all aspects of IT hardware disposal
Electronic equipment disposal and electrical waste disposal needs to be handled by a licensed company that complies with the WEEE Directive. The disposal of electronics needs to be done ethically and sympathetically. The disposal of electronic equipment must be performed by an accredited company, an Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) and if the WEEE needs to be evidenced because it is obligated, then you need to use an Approved Authorised Treatment Facility (AATF).
Learn more about our electronic equipment disposal service
As an ISO 14001 accredited company, let Concept Management help with your electronic disposal.